On January 7, 2025, the New York State Department of Health (NYSDOH) issued DAL NH-25-01 “Transfer or Discharge Notice Expectations.” The DAL, like its title indicates, outlines expectations for permitting residents to return a facility after they have been transferred to acute care. The DAL includes a Q&A guide and addresses the requirements for transferring or discharging a resident, required documentation for transfer or discharge and how the Long-Term Care Ombudsman Program (LTCOP) can be contacted to provide copies of discharge notices. The expectation from DOH is that a copy of the Notice of Discharge will be sent to the LTCOP under all circumstances and the document provides details on the timing of such notices based on the situation.
Please note that this DAL references the Federal regulations throughout. Effective February 24, 2025, the revised guidance to surveyors will be in place, and several of the discharge-related Ftags will be consolidated at that point. Stay tuned to CMSCG for upcoming Ftag of the Week posts which will address these changes.