Sandy’s Reminder About Skilled Nursing Facility Disaster Prep

Earlier this year in April, the Office of the Inspector General (OIG) issued its report on nursing homes and disaster preparedness, “Gaps continue to exist in nursing home emergency training and response during disasters 2007-2010.” CMS Compliance Group analyzed the results of this report and issued a set of next steps for your skilled nursing facility. In the wake of Hurricane Sandy, with a potential Nor’easter making its way up the East Coast, it seemed appropriated to re-issue this post to help any facilities who were caught unprepared after this recent storm. Our blog post, “The OIG Report is in – your facility may not be properly prepared for an emergency” can be found by visiting our blog here.

The question seems to remain for nursing homes – when is the time to evacuate? Here’s some related news about how these providers fared during and after Hurricane Sandy – take a look and ensure your disaster plan is up to date so we can try to minimize potential damage from any further natural disasters.

As those of us on the East Coast continue to pick up the pieces, our team here at CMS Compliance Group has all of our clients, colleagues and friends in the long term care industry in mind and hope for the best. If you need assistance, please let us know.

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