Ftag of the Week – F561 Self-Determination

CMSCG’s “Ftag of the Week” blog series continues with F561 Self Determination. This tag, part of the expanded section emphasizing residents’ rights, includes current F242 Self-Determination – Right to Make Choices and F245 Participate in Social/ Religious Activities/ Community. F561 states residents have the right to, and the facility must “promote and facilitate resident self-determination through support of resident choice.” The rights outlined in this section emphasize the push that the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) is making on honoring resident autonomy, including:

  • Right to choose activities
  • Right to choose schedules – including sleeping and waking times
  • Right to choose health care and health care services providers consistent with the resident’s interests, assessment and plan of care
  • Right to make choices about aspects of his/her life in the facility that are significant to the resident
  • Right to interact with members of the community
  • Right to participate in community activities both in the facility and outside of it
  • Right to participate in other activities including social, religious and community activities that do not interfere with the rights of other residents

The Interpretive Guidance (IG) notes that facilities should proactively assist residents with fulfilling their choices and “must not develop a schedule for care, such as waking or bathing schedules, for staff convenience and without input of the residents.”

View our Ftag of the Week posts here. Need help updating your policies or implementing person-centered care initiatives in your facility? CMS Compliance Group can help – contact us to learn more.

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