CMS QSO Memo re COVID-19 Testing for Nursing Homes Expires May 11, 2023

The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) announced on May 8, 2023 that the August 26, 2023 QSO Memo, “Interim Final rule (IFC), CMS-3401-IFC, Additional Policy and Regulatory Revisions in Response to the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency related to Long-Term Care (LTC) Facility Testing Requirements” would expire on May 11, 2023.  The expired QSO Memo (QSO-20-38-NH) states:

  • Effective May 11, 2023, this Memo is no longer in effect.
  • COVID-19 testing should be conducted per nationally accepted standards, such as the recommendations of the Centers for Disease Control (CDC).
  • Routine testing of asymptomatic nursing home staff is no longer recommended. Testing may be performed at the facility’s discretion.
  • If noncompliance with COVID-19 testing is identified, it will be cited at F880 Infection Prevention and Control.
  • Recommendations for testing individuals who have recovered from COVID-19 have been updated.

This Memo was released with an update to QSO-20-30-NH related to Nursing Home Visitation and in tandem with updated CDC Recommendations on its, “Interim Infection Prevention and Control Recommendations for Healthcare Personnel During the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Pandemic.

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