CMS issued a memorandum on May 30, 2014 regarding infection control findings on surveys that must be referred to Public Health Authorities. The letter, “Infection Control Breaches Which Warrant Referral to Public Health Authorities,” outlines breaches that must be reported to State public health authorities so they are aware of the deficient practice. These breaches include:
- Use of the same needle for more than one individual
- Use of the same (pre-filled/manufactured/insulin or any other) syringe, pen or inject device for more than one individual
- Re-use of a needle of syringe that has been used to administer medications to an individual that is then entered into another medication container for the contents to be used for another individual
- Use of the same lancing/fingerstick device for more than one individual, even if the lancet is changed
In May, CMS issued advance copy of interpretive guidance for nursing homes regarding single use devices, which can be found on the CMSCG blog.
Read the CMS memo here.