CMS Compliance Group President Linda Elizaitis will be speaking at LeadingAge New York’s 2016 Annual DNS/DSW Conference.
Session Topic: The DNS/DSW Role in Preventing Resident-to-Resident Altercations
Date/Time: November 17, 2016 11:30 AM- 1:00PM
Session Description: Research data finds that abuse, including resident-to-resident altercations, may be more prevalent in nursing facilities than actually identified. During this session, attendees will gain an understanding of the current incidence of resident-resident altercations in nursing homes.
Attendees will also:
• Understand the importance of care planning and documentation for these incidents
• Learn techniques for prevention and preventing reoccurrence
• Recognize the keys to investigation, reporting, and preventing reoccurrence
Linda Elizaitis, president, CMS Compliance Group, Melville
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