Advance Copy – Revisions to State Operations Manual (SOM), Appendix PP-Revised Regulations and Tags

A new CMS S&C memo has been issued that provides an advanced copy of revisions to the State Operations Manual Appendix PP. This revision includes the updated regulatory text made effective by the Final Rule in draft version. Most regulatory sections have been revised and re-designated as per the Final Rule, so the updates included are considerable. However, this draft Appendix PP does not include updated interpretive guidance or updated F-tags. Those revisions will be made next year.

This version of Appendix PP is effective November 28, 2016, which is the date all Phase 1 requirements must be in place. It will be used for surveys occurring on and after November 28, 2016, and only the Phase 1 regulatory text is effective in this version of the Appendix PP even though Phases 2 and 3 have been included as well.

View CMS S&C letter “Advance Copy – Revisions to State Operations Manual (SOM), Appendix-PP – Revised Regulations and Tags” (Ref: S&C 17-07-NH).


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