NYSDOH Health Advisory – Testing / Cohorting / Visitation

For CMSCG’s New York clients and colleagues:

NYSDOH issued a Health Advisory on October 13, 2022, “Nursing Home Testing, Cohorting and Visitation Guidance” that should be reviewed if you have not seen it. It provides information on DOH’s take on key COVID-19 topics, including its interpretation of recent CDC recommendations regarding masking.

Per the Advisory: The purpose of this health advisory is to provide nursing homes with updated information on masking, cohorting, visitation and nursing home staff and resident testing requirements based on guidance issued by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) and dated September 23, 2022 (QSO 20-38-Revised, QSO 20-39-Revised) and the recommendations of the New York
State Department of Health (NYSDOH).

View the 10/13/2022 Advisory on the NYSDOH website.

View these CMSCG Blog posts related to the guidance and recommendations NYSDOH references in this new Health Advisory:

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