In a QSO memo dated March 16, 2018, The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) announced that it is working with the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) to develop a specialized Infection Prevention and Control Training program for nursing staff who work in long-term care settings. Infection Prevention & Control is a large part of the updated Requirements of Participation (RoPs) and continues to be a regulatory focus since it is one of the most frequently cited areas of deficient practice in nursing facilities at both the state and national level.
The course is expected to be available in Spring 2019 and will be free of charge. The program is expected to take 16-20 hours and participants will receive a certificate of completion after successfully completing an online exam.
Details on the topics of the program, which ranges from infection surveillance to linen and water management, can be found in the memo, “Specialized Infection Prevention and Control Training for Nursing Home Staff in the Long-Term Setting” (Ref: QSO 18-15-NH).