We’re preparing for a blizzard up here in the Northeast, so lots of news has been focused around the upcoming storm, Nemo . . . but don’t worry, we’ve got all the long term care industry news you need to know right here on the CMSCG Blog! Check out these popular articles from our social media accounts this week:
- Antipsychotic Rx for 22% of Nursing Home Residents | JAAPA | ow.ly/htVTs
- RAC audits: #SNFs accounted for miniscule portion of 2011 #Medicare overpayments | McKnight’s Long Term Care News | ow.ly/hvDvu
- CMS cleans up guidelines on laundry and infection control | Long Term Living | ow.ly/hrCi4
- More People Are Dying At Home And In Hospice, But They Are Also Getting More Intense Hospital Care – Forbes ow.ly/hvITx
- Therapy Plateau No Longer Ends Coverage | NY Times | ow.ly/hrkVn
Is there anything we missed? Add your article contributions below in the comments section. Have a warm, safe weekend!