National Partnership to Improve Dementia Care Update

The National PartneAntipsychotics in nursing homesrship to Improve Dementia Care in Nursing Homes has released a new update on the prevalence of long-stay nursing home residents who received antipsychotic medications. Antipsychotic drug use in nursing homes has decreased nationally to 19.1% as of Q4 2014. The GAO released a report in March that detailed how HHS has made headway in LTC settings to reduce antipsychotic prescribing with initiatives like the National Partnership, and that other care settings should be working on lowering antipsychotic prescribing as well.

This focused initiative has been backed recently by a number of additional Federal pushes to reduce antipsychotic drug use even more. Nursing Home Compare 3.0 has added 2 new Quality Measures into the Five Star Quality rating system around antipsychotic drug use, so these numbers should drop further in coming years. Focused dementia-care surveys will also be rolled out which will review the prevalence of antipsychotic drug use in nursing homes.

Each state and CMS region can be found in the National Partnership’s updated document with specifics on the changes. The organization has also released an updated Person-Centered Care Tracking Tool (v1.14) which can be downloaded on their website.

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