In a September 26, 2014 S&C Letter, “Categorical Waiver for Power Strips in Patient Care Areas” (Ref: S&C: 14-46-LSC), CMS notes that power strips may be used in certain long term care facility resident rooms. The letter states, “Resident rooms in long term care or other residential care facilities that do not use line-operated electrical appliances for diagnostic, therapeutic, or monitoring purposes are not subject to the more restrictive NFPA 99 requirements regarding the use of power strips in patient care areas/rooms.” If power strips are to be used in any way, required precautions by the LSC and reference documents must be followed. Resident rooms that do not use line-operated care related electrical equipment must comply with NFPA 99 power requirements, and facilities in this situation may elect to use the categorical waiver mentioned in this letter.
Read the S&C letter.