CMS Updates Nursing Facility Emergency Preparedness Checklist

On February 28, 2014, CMS issued an S&C letter, “Survey and Certification Emergency Preparedness Initiative: S&C Emergency Preparedness Checklist Revision” (Ref: S&C-14-12-ALL). As you may be aware, the December 27 Federal Register included a proposed rule regarding new emergency planning requirements for providers and suppliers that would establish national emergency preparedness requirements based on a system of four standards. This S&C letter serves to alert health care facilities that CMS has revised its existing emergency preparedness checklist to include detailed guidance about resident tracking, supplies and collaboration.

The State Operations Manual (SOM) provides limited guidance on emergency preparedness, but the requirement to have a written disaster plan in place is required under F-517. CMS will be making additional information available as they focus on providing helpful guidance to providers.

If you have questions about your facility’s disaster plan or require assistance, CMS Compliance Group can help. Contact us today to learn more.    

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