Effective August 1, 2013, the New York State Department of Health (NYSDOH) will be making available an electronic Plan of Correction (POC) application. This will allow for the automated electronic distribution of Statements of Deficiencies (SODs) to New York nursing facilities and give facilities the ability to send Plans of Correction (POCs) electronically. Over time, sending these documents via hardcopy in the mail will be eliminated.
To participate, providers must attend web training that will be available on the NYSDOH’s website between July 15, 2013 and July 31, 2013.
HCS Coordinators must update the roles for their nursing home. The HCS role information for Administrator, Director of Nursing, Operator and EPOC Editor must be kept current, including the proper email address associated with the person in each role. Under the new ePOC process, the Operator role gives read-access for SODs and POCs, which is a new change in policy. All nursing facilities should update their policies and procedures to reflect that administrators are responsible for communicating SODs to operating organizations or governing bodies.