In case you missed this announcement from the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) while on vacation last week, the Agency has announced proposed updates to “modernize” home health care. The two significant changes follow efforts to innovate across other healthcare provider types.
First, CMS proposes to allow the cost of remote patient monitoring by HHAs to be listed as allowable costs on the Medicare cost report form, which will drive innovation and increase data sharing efforts. Second, CMS also proposes to implement a new payment system for home health, the Patient-Driven Groupings Model (PDGM), which removes the use of therapy thresholds for payment determinations. Instead PDGM would use 30-day periods of care as its payment unit, emphasizing the focus on value-based payments. If implemented, the PDGM would become effective January 1, 2020.
Read the July 2, 2018 CMS press release, “CMS Takes Action to Modernize Medicare Home Health: CMS Action for Home Health Agencies Puts Value Over Volume and Advances MyHealthEData Initiative.”