CMS S&C Nursing Home Action Plan – Strategy 1

As we posted last week, CMS released the Survey and Certification group’s FY2016-FY2017 Nursing Home Action Plan which included five actionable strategies that mean more pressure on providers to perform. The first strategy for the Plan is to “Enhance Consumer Awareness and Assistance.” The most obvious tool to assist with that strategy is Nursing Home Compare, full of its new Quality Measures, information on staffing and of course, your facility’s Five Star Quality Rating. In recent years, CMS has made a concerted effort to provide as much information to the public as possible, and recent initiatives reflect this strategy to inform consumers as well as drive quality.  Let’s take a look at some of the moves CMS has already made towards succeeding in this strategy:

If that doesn’t give you the idea that CMS is all about “quality, quality, quality” then stay tuned for our upcoming posts on the plans CMS has for your nursing home related to survey, Civil Monetary Penalties and additional quality improvement initiatives like the ever-looming QAPI regulation.

Should you need compliance assistance with any of these changes for nursing homes, check out an overview of CMS Compliance Group’s Nursing Home Services or contact us to discuss how we can work with your nursing home.

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