Any provider hoping for a delay in the new Long-Term Care Survey Process (LTCSP) needs know that the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) plans to launch the LTCSP tomorrow – November 28, 2017. This means the renumbered Ftags will be in effect – check out the updated LTC regulatory groups list here and follow our “Ftag of the Week” blog series to learn about requirements for compliance.
- All states are expected to implement the computer-based LTCSP. All State and Regions were fully trained in the new survey process over the summer. This means there is no more traditional or QIS survey process. The LTCSP SME Video PDFs were released in September and can be viewed here.
- In lieu of Appendix P of the State Operations Manual (SOM), which contained information on the survey protocol, a new document was developed – The Long-Term Care Survey Process (LTCSP) Procedure Guide.
With the changes to the survey process, so will changes to the Five Star Rating and Nursing Home Compare website be coming. View the CMSCG Blog post on these changes here. If you haven’t seen the new LTCSP Critical Element Pathways and Entrance Conference form, view the CMSCG Blog post here to download them.
Read the November 24, 2017 CMS S&C memo, “Preparation for Launch of New Long-Term Care Survey Process (LTCSP)” (Ref: S&C: 18-05-NH).
If your facility is preparing for an upcoming survey or needs assistance with a Directed Plan of Correction or Directed InService, contact CMS Compliance Group today to learn how we can work together.