** These materials have been updated as to 10/26/2022. Please view this post on the CMSCG Blog for the current materials: Revised CMS Survey Resource Materials (10/26/2022) **
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) released updated surveyor resources aligned with the changes that became effective yesterday, October 24, 2022. Per the Revision History, there were 8 updates released, so ensure you are using the most current materials.
- The F-Tag Crosswalk, LTC Survey FAQ and Slide Deck/Speaker Notes for the LTCSP have all been removed.
The updated survey resources include:
- CMS-802 (Updated 10/24/2022)
- LTCSP Initial Pool Care Areas (Updated 10/24/2022)
- Appendix PP State Operations Manual (Revision 10/24/2022) — This is the same doc that we posted 10/21/2022 on the CMSCG Blog, so if you have that one, it’s current.
- Survey Resources (10/24/2022) — Per the Revision History doc, this is noted to have “extensive” changes
- Initial Surveys (10/24/2022)
Preparing for an upcoming survey? Let CMSCG Help.
The updated guidance to surveyors and associated changes to the survey process are complex. If you’re preparing for an upcoming survey, CMS Compliance Group, Inc., can help. We offer a full-team mock survey with Clinical, Social Work, Dietary, and Environmental/ Life Safety review, or you can select a targeted option to address your current areas of concern. Not sure what you need? Our expert consultants will work with you to determine how we can best tailor a solution to meet your needs. Contact us today to learn more about our mock survey services to help improve your survey outcomes.
Learn more about CMS Compliance Group and our nursing home consulting services.