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Ftag of the Week – F755 Pharmacy Svcs/Procedures/Pharmacist/Records (Pt 1)

Next up in CMSCG’s “Ftag of the Week” Blog series is F755 – Pharmacy Services, which is part of the regulatory group with the same name. Since there are multiple parts to this regulation, the next few CMSCG Blog posts will dig into the requirements.

F755 Pharmacy Services – Regulatory Requirements Overview

Per Appendix PP of the State Operations Manual (SOM), a facility must:

Pharmaceutical Services

The regulation defines pharmaceutical services, which includes all the components of the process of ordering through use or ultimate disposal of the medication/biological. Pharmaceutical service also includes the process for identifying, evaluating and addressing med-related issues, such as med errors, and the provision, monitoring and/or the use of medication-related devices. It also includes the provision of medication-related information to both healthcare professionals and residents.

First, let’s look at all the procedures that a facility should have in place for pharmaceutical services. The consultant pharmacist is expected to collaborate with the medical director and the facility to develop, implement and evaluate procedures for these services that:

Pharmaceutical Services – Procedures

Facilities need to ensure their policies address:


The process through which a facility requests and obtains medications needs to be thorough and consider things like the availability of medications, verification/clarification of orders, or what to do when delivery of a medication will be delayed or is not available. While not an exhaustive list of procedures facilities need to have in place, at a minimum, the Interpretive Guidance includes:

Here’s what can happen if a facility does not have strong systems in place with comprehensive procedures:

Citation 1 (S/S: D)  – A facility was cited for failure to ensure that its emergency medicine kits were re-ordered on a timely basis in accordance with facility policy. During review of the medication storage rooms, a nurse opened the emergency kits to show a surveyor and it was identified that insulin vials had been removed, but there was no documentation as to when this occurred or any other information in the log.

Citation 2 (S/S: F) – A facility was cited for failure to ensure that emergency drugs were accessible for all residents in case of an emergency when it was identified that staff were unable to retrieve medication from the emergency cart due to no one having a sign on and password that worked. On interview, multiple staff members told surveyors that they had been having issues for weeks with passwords not working, and one LPN stated that although the pharmacy had come to reset the password, it was still not working.

Both of these were avoidable citations, and although there was no harm, there could have been a negative outcome in either facility.  Not only that, think about the unnecessary penalty points associated with a deficiency at S/S of F.


Now that we have looked at what providers need to think about related to acquiring medications, let’s look at considerations and requirements related to receiving medications. Receipt refers the process used to ensure that medications that are accepted at the facility are accurate and how they will be reconciled. Facilities should ensure that processes are in place for reconciling received medications with the prescriber’s order and the requisition for the meds. Procedures should also define which staff are authorized to receive medications, how they will be identified, and how the medications will be controlled until they are delivered to a secure storage area. Many providers may have already made tweaks in the past year to these processes given the restrictions to accessing facilities due to COVID-19, so it is likely that their procedures already considered this.

Once the medications have been delivered to the storage area, procedures also need to define which staff are responsible for getting the medications into the appropriate storage place for each resident. While it is not part of the regulatory requirements at F755, many providers get caught at F761 Storage of Drugs & Biologicals by issues with their medication storage areas, so pay attention here.

In Part 2 of CMSCG’s Ftag of the Week for F755 Pharmacy Services, we will look at dispensing, administering and disposing of medications – all of which can present another set of compliance issues.

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