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Ftag of the Week – F557 Respect, Dignity/ Right to have Personal Property

We know you’re reading this saying, “F557? How am I supposed to remember these numbers?” Well, that’s why CMS Compliance Group is instituting “Ftag of the Week” to help our readers get familiar with the new Ftag renumbering. Each week, we will pick a different Ftag and provide some info on it so you can gain a better understanding of what the criteria for compliance are under the new RoPs.

This week’s Ftag is F557 Respect, Dignity/ Right to have Personal Property.

New Ftag 557 is old Ftag F252 Safe/Clean/Comfortable/Homelike Environment. But why does it say “Respect and Dignity” in the tag name? The new RoPs actually reference respect and dignity in several new tags, unlike the usual F241 Dignity and Respect of Individuality that we have been used to seeing.

F557 Respect, Dignity/ Right to have Personal Property

This right, according to the draft Interpretive Guidance, promotes a homelike environment and supports residents in retaining their independence. Does your facility promote a homelike, person-centered environment? Residents should be encouraged to bring their personal possessions when possible.

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