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Ftag of the Week – F603 Free from Involuntary Seclusion

This week’s Ftag of the Week on the CMSCG Blog is F603 Free from Involuntary Seclusion, part of the Freedom from Abuse, Neglect and Exploitation regulatory group. Residents have the right to be free from involuntary seclusion, which is when a resident is separated from other residents, from his or her room, or confined to his or her room or in another area against the resident or resident representative’s will. Involuntary seclusion can occur related to secured/locked units if a resident is placed on this unit without meeting the clinical criteria for such placement. There are many circumstances that can constitute involuntary seclusion. Here are some actual deficient practices identified at F603 Free from Involuntary Seclusion:

As you can see from these examples, staff in these scenarios each took action to restrict or isolate residents rather than implementing individualized interventions for each resident. Staff need to understand their responsibilities regarding following the resident’s individual plan of care and how they can create a situation of involuntary seclusion if they don’t understand acceptable standards of practice. Surveyors are instructed to observe whether staff make remarks or behave in a way that indicates there are issues with the way staff are treating residents. Everyone needs to be familiar with be familiar with the Abuse, Neglect and Exploitation regulatory group.

Transmission-Based Precautions and Involuntary Seclusion

In some cases, isolating a resident cannot be prevented, and if transmission-based precautions are warranted and used appropriately, this will not be considered involuntary seclusion. Per the IG, the resident’s medical record must include the rationale for the selected precautions, and facilities must have in place policies that:

It is important to ensure thorough communication when residents have been isolated in these situations. A facility was cited for not knowing that a resident’s antibiotic therapy had ended two months prior to a surveyor inquiry after the resident was interviewed and said she was only out of her room for treatments and appointments and could not attend activities she liked. Staff were not aware as to why the resident had been isolated for so long. Precautions must be the least restrictive, and the plan of care should include interventions to ensure the resident can still participate in room-based activities that are of interest to him/her.

Secured/Locked Units and Involuntary Seclusion

The IG at F603 provides criteria for ensuring that a resident in a secured or locked unit is not considered to be involuntarily secluded. These include:

Do not forget that if a resident experiences an escalation in behavior and requires immediate interventions to ensure the safety of the resident and/or others, that the staff must consult with the resident’s physician regarding the behavioral symptoms. The resident’s representative should also be contacted. Any necessary supervision required to protect the resident or others should be put into place, but isolating the resident in a manner such as placing the resident in an area secluded from staff or other residents as punishment or to avoid having to deal with the resident is considered involuntary seclusion. Residents who exhibit behavioral symptoms should have strong, individualized care plans in place with nonpharmacological interventions that staff can attempt for de-escalation purposes. In many of the citations reviewed for F603, staff did not appear to have a good understanding of the residents’ needs or how to assist them with feeling better. Remember, your staff should be provided with the necessary information and tools, including training and education, to help them prevent abuse, neglect and mistreatment in the workplace while ensuring residents do not have negative outcomes.

CMS Compliance Group, Inc. Consulting Services Inquiry

Does your organization need assistance with abuse prevention initiatives? Contact CMS Compliance Group, Inc. to discuss our interdisciplinary compliance and quality improvement consulting services for skilled nursing providers by filling out the form below or calling 631.692.4422.

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