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Ftag of the Week – F576 Right to Forms of Communication with Privacy

This week’s Ftag of the Week on the CMSCG Blog is part of the Resident Rights regulatory group, F576 Right to Forms of Communication with Privacy. The regulation includes several requirements for residents, including:

It is this last requirement that proves to be the most frequently cited issue under F576. Why? The Resident Council interview on survey specifically asks residents if they receive their mail on Saturdays. How do they respond? They say they can’t remember a time when they received their mail on Saturdays, and sometimes that it is even more delayed than that. When surveyors follow up with staff, there often seem to be a lack of clear procedures for mail delivery on weekends, either due to certain departments not having staff over the weekend, such as the Business Office or Reception, and thus, mail delivery is delayed. One citation reviewed at F576 stated that since mail was not being delivered to residents on Saturdays, the residents were being denied “the same rights as other citizens of the general community.” This is true – if your residents lived in a community-based setting, they would receive their mail on Saturdays like everyone else. That means that if you don’t have a process in place for ensuring mail is delivered timely, you need to put a plan in place.

In general, reviewing these deficiencies led to identification of detailed citations by surveyors who listened to residents on the phone at the nurses’ station providing all kinds of personal information – a body rash, information regarding medications being taken, and as mentioned prior, financial information. It is essential that residents have the ability to make phone calls in private, and if they do not have a cell phone, the facility should ensure there is a backup plan to allow residents to conduct their business as needed or socialize as they wish. It might just be worth the investment for having a few cordless phones available for resident use.

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