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Proposed LTC Regs: The Facility Assessment

Arrows, Directions, Goals, Target,Focus, Choice.

In the newly proposed “Medicare and Medicaid Programs: Reform of Requirements for Long-Term Care Facilities,” there is one element that so many other regulations depend on – the facility assessment. Under the new regulations, nursing facilities would be required to conduct a facility assessment, which would review the capabilities of the facility and the resident population. The assessment of the facility population would take into account resident needs based on acuity, diagnosis and the individualized, comprehensive care plan.

The facility assessment, which would be under the Administration regulatory category, would include the following information to help facilities determine the resources that they would need to care for residents on a daily basis as well as during emergency situations.

This assessment provides the foundation for several regulatory areas, including:

The facility assessment would require an annual update, as it provides so much critical information to assist facilities with taking a person-centered, competency-based approach to caring for their residents. Want to know more about person-centered care and competency-based staffing? Keep checking the CMSCG Blog for more information. If you missed our overview of the proposed LTC regulations, check them out here.

CMS Compliance Group has significant experience assisting nursing facilities with assessing their capabilities for proper staffing. To learn more about how CSMCG can help your facility, contact us.

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