CMS Compliance Group

Nursing Home Visitation Restrictions Lifted in Time for Holidays

On November 12, 2021, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) issued a revision to QSO-20-39-NH, “Nursing Home Visitation – COVID-19” (originally published 9/17/2020). The new visitation guidance generally allows visitation without restrictions at nursing homes across the country. This Federal guidance does not supersede State guidance, so guidance from your home State may differ, but this information is likely to be followed by most jurisdictions.

CMS makes the following justifications for the revised guidance:

As such, CMS believes that there is no reason to restrict resident visitation but recognizes that there are some areas where visitation concerns are valid, such as visiting an unvaccinated resident in a county where there is a substantial/high level of community transmission. The Agency also notes that nursing home residents have the right to make choices and are also able to withdraw consent to have visitors at any time, so residents and their representatives can make decisions to ensure the resident can receive visitors if he/she chooses.

New Addition to the Core Principles of COVID-19 Infection Prevention

While the CMS/CDC list of core principles has basically remained the same since it was issued, the new visitation guidance includes a new addition. The newest principle is that visitors who have a positive viral test for COVID-19, symptoms of COVID-19, or who currently meet the criteria for quarantine should not enter the facility. Facilities are expected to screen prospective visitors who enter the facility for these potential exclusions.

The newest principle is that visitors who have a positive viral test for COVID-19, symptoms of COVID-19, or who currently meet the criteria for quarantine should not enter the facility.

The other principles include hand hygiene, use of a face covering/mask, physical distancing of at least six feet between people, use of instructional signage and education, cleaning/disinfecting of high touch areas, appropriate staff use of PPE, cohorting of residents and testing of residents and staff as required. CMS states that these principles must be adhered to at all times, and any visitors who are unable to adhere to these requirements should not be permitted to visit or be asked to leave.

Healthcare Worker/ Service Provider Entry

Visitor Testing and Vaccination

While the vaccination of residents and staff has been mandated by CMS, the same requirements have not been extended to visitors, and providers do not have much ability to restrict visitors based on their vaccination status per the new guidance. The new guidance states the following:

Visitors are not required to be tested, or vaccinated, or show proof of vaccination as a condition of visitation.

Visitation Areas

As per the previous visitation guidance, CMS continues to state that outdoor visitation is preferable. However, in recognition that winter is coming and that may not be feasible, CMS has greatly expanded its guidance surrounding indoor visitation. Here’s what to know:

Visitors should wear face coverings/masks when around other residents or healthcare personnel, regardless of vaccination status.

Unlike prior guidance, it is important to note that indoor visitation during a COVID-19 outbreak investigation does not halt indoor visitation. Instead, while the outbreak investigation is underway, indoor visitation is permissible. Facilities should advise visitors of the potential risk of visiting during an outbreak, and all visitors need to adhere to the core principles of infection prevention while in the facility. The resident should wear a face covering/mask during the visit, regarding of his/her vaccination status and the visits should be in the resident’s room, if possible.

There are also recommendations based on the county positivity rate to provide more flexibility. These include:

Several health status-related items are included in the updated CMS guidance, including:

Compassionate Care Visits

Since visitation is now allowed at all times for all residents, in accordance with CMS regulations, compassionate care visits should be allowed at all times, however, CMS expects that these will be rare scenarios given the loosening of visitation restrictions. CMS provides the example that a facility could consider limiting visitation for a severely immunocompromised resident where the number of visitors the resident would be exposed to needs to be limited.

Required Visitation

The new guidance from CMS now states that there are no longer situations where visitation should be related to COVID-19, except for when the visit is limited to being conducted in the resident’s room or is limited to compassionate care. As such, facilities are required to facilitate in-person visitation consistent with regulatory requirements. If a facility fails to facilitate visitation, this would constitute a potential violation and the facility would be subject to a citation and enforcement action.

CMS reminds providers that if a resident, his/her representative and the visitor are aware of the risks associated with visitation, and the visit will occur in a way that does not put other residents at risk, the resident must be allowed to receive visitors as he/she chooses. Other important details to note:

Communal Activities, Dining and Resident Outings

CMS states that the safest approach is for everyone in the facility, regardless of vaccination status, to wear a face covering/ mask while in communal areas of the facility.

Regarding residents leaving the facility, CMS states that facilities must permit residents to leave the facility if they choose to do so.

The facility is expected to remind the resident and anyone accompanying the resident to follow all recommended infection control practices, including physical distancing, performing appropriate hand hygiene, wearing a face covering/ mask, and encouraging everyone around them to do the same.

When a resident returns to the facility, the guidance has been expanded, but loosened.

Thinking About Quarantine:

That’s a lot of absorb, given the restrictions in place since March 2020, and opening visitation up does not absolve the provider from protecting its residents. Infection control is still a hot topic on survey, and will continue to be so for the near future, so ensure you have protocols in place to ensure adherence to the core principles. Even though everyone likely has COVID-fatigue, it is more important than ever that your staff do the right thing throughout the building when it comes to infection control – including ensuring visitors do the right thing, too.

CMS Compliance Group, Inc. is a interdisciplinary regulatory compliance and quality improvement consulting firm. To learn more about the firm and our nursing home consulting services, please visit our website.

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