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No Surprise – GAO Finds Infection Control Deficiencies Widespread Prior to COVID-19

In a report issued May 20, 2020, The Government Accountability Office (GAO) found that infection control deficiencies in nursing homes were “widespread and persistent” prior to COVID-19. However, since the report is from the GAO, it emphasizes what The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) and State Agencies did – and didn’t – do on survey. The data set used for the development of these findings is from 2013-2017, excluding the timeframe after the updated Requirements of Participation (RoPs) went into effect at the end of November in 2017. This means that the GAO was reviewing deficiencies cited under the old F441 tag, not the current regulatory tags, which now have been broken out into multiple Ftags (F880-F885, including the new COVID-19 reporting Ftags) that each look at specific infection control requirements.

What the GAO Found

Here is where the finger starts getting pointed at the surveyors:

GAO stated that it plans to look at the CMS response to the COVID-19 pandemic in future work, and that it will review CMS guidance and oversight of infection prevention and control in another report. What does that mean for providers? As CMS Compliance Group, Inc. President, Linda Elizaitis, mentioned in her April 17, 2020 CMSCG Blog post, expect increasing scrutiny of your facility’s infection prevention and control practices. In a post-COVID world (whenever that is), the focus on infection control is not going away.

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