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COVID-19 Focused Survey Entrance Conference Worksheet & Materials

Please be advised that as part of the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) Infection Control Focused Survey process, updated surveyor resources have been published. There is a different Entrance Conference Worksheet that will be used for the focused surveys.

The Entrance Conference Worksheet for the COVID-19 Survey now requests the following information, and asks that surveyors be flexible in receiving information within these timeframes based on what is occurring in the facility. Surveyors are instructed to not require these materials to be provided within the specific timeframes if there are critical activities underway to prevent COVID-19 transmission in the facility.

Electronic Health Record Information

The Entrance Conference Worksheet requests that surveyors are provided with EHR access and have the ability to view the following information:

Review the COVID-19 Focused Survey Materials here (.zip file).

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