CMS stance on texting patient information among providers

In a December 28, 2017 S&C memo for all providers, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) clarified its position related to healthcare providers and texting. The Agency states that it does not permit physicians or other health care providers to text orders. Texting orders from a provider to a member of a care team is a non-compliant practice. Instead, CMS recommends Computerized Provider Order Entry. CMS did note in this memo that providers who are using texting as a means of communicating among team members must use and maintain a system or platform that is secure, encrypted and minimizes risks to patient privacy/confidentiality per HIPAA regulations as well as CoPs/CfCs.

View the entire CMS S&C memo, “Texting of Patient Information among Healthcare Providers,” (Ref: S&C 18-10-ALL) here.

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