Notification of Facility Closure: Revisions to Tags F203 & F204 and Issuance of New Tags F523 and F524 in SOM Appendix PP

In an S&C letter dated August 2, 2013, CMS issued revisions to F-tags F203 and F204, and created new F-tags, F523 and F524 to provide guidance on requirements for nursing facility notice of closure. The letter, Notification of Facility Closure: Revisions to Tags F203 and F204 and Issuance of New Tags F523 and F524 in the State Operations Manual (SOM), Appendix PP, provides guidance to surveyors for the closure of a nursing facility. CMS had provided federal guidance in this area that went into effect on April 18, 2013. The F-523 requirements note that an administrator must provide 60 days written notice of the plan for impending closure or upon the Secretary’s specified date if participation in Medicare or Medicaid has been terminated.  Notification must be provided to CMS, the state long term care ombudsman, all the residents of the facility, and the legal representatives of such residents or other responsible parties.  Facilities that provide written notice of an impending closure are not to admit new residents from the time that the written notice has been submitted.

The letter includes advanced copy of revisions to F-203 Notice Requirements Before Transfer/Discharge and F204 Preparation for Safe/Orderly Transfer/Discharge, and information on two new tags that are being created, F523 Facility Closure – Administrator and F524 Facility Closure.

CMS also recommends in the letter that nursing facilities should consider adding the plans and procedures into the Emergency Preparedness Plans in case the facility undergoes and emergency evacuation or temporary closure. Having a tight plan in place for emergencies can help diminish the effects of transfer trauma.

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